Presenting Simple New Age Definitions in the fields of Alternative
Ayurvedic  Holistic  Naturopathic  Healing  Techniques  and
 Medicines of the Eastern and Western applications
of Spiritualism, Hindu, Occult, Theosophy,
Homeopathy, Metaphysical, and
Paranormal,  Practices.

A Course In Miracles -

Abjad -Sufi system of numerology.

Aboukra -Purportedly, an ancient Egyptian "healing art" that
              strengthens and balances the body's "natural energy
              fields" and "meridians."

Absent Healing - An individual or group using imagery to send
             healing energy to someone on need. teleotherapeutics)
             telepathy. A form of faith healing that supposedly involves
             the projection of "positive healing energy."

Accidents - There are none, there is a karmic reason for everything.

Acupuncture - The ancient art of inserting thin needles into the
            energy meridians of the body to block, release, or increase
            the flow of  the body's natural flow of chi energy.

Accupreasure - An ancient practice of applying pressure on the
            body's energy meridians to increase, decrease, or release
            the body's natural flow of chi.

Acuscope (also called the Electro-Acuscope), a computerized
            device that purportedly balances the body's electrical

Affirmations - Repeating a wish or prayer for health, prosperity, etc.
            Sample; I am God.

Agnostic- One who has no religious beliefs.

Akashic Record - A space in the universe That absorbs vibration. As
            everything is vibration, all that has occurred is stored in the
            akashic record,  like a very long file cabinet. With permission,
            spirit can search this record and convey this information.

Alchemia - Form of channeling that allegedly involves activating
             "Universal Fifth Dimensional Energy."

Alchemy - was originally the art of extracting the juices from plants
            for medicinal purposes. The art of extracting the juices
            Changing lead into gold.  An imaginary art which aimed to
            transmute the baser metals into gold.

Alexander Technique™- Maintaining alignment of the head, neck,
            and back leads to optimum overall physical functioning.
            Alexander concluded that faulty posture was responsible
            for diverse symptoms.

Alien - A living being whose origin is not of this world.
           (Extra terrestrials)

Alien Abduction - A person being temporarily or permanently
            brought to a place other than earth by aliens.

Aloe - A plant whose leaves contain a jell that has healing
            properties that soothe burns, enable topical healing, etc.

Alternative Medicine - The use of plants, herbs, and ancient
            practices to heal in a natural way.

Amazonian Herbal Medicine - Cats claw and Zangrado

Amulet - a piece of jewelry worn for protection against negativity,
            a talisman.

Ancient Healing -

Angelic World -

Angelic healing -  Forms of channeling, intercessory prayer,
            meditation, or visualization that purportedly involves the
            therapeutic  assistance of angels. Its postulate  is that
            angels invisibly guide, protect, and heal people.

Angels - Spirit in an angelic form who may come to earth to watch
            over individuals and show themselves to people In the
            Scriptures the angels appear as God's messengers.

Animal Communication -  Intuitive telepathic message
            communication to and from animals.

Antioxidants -

Astanga yoga (Ashtanga Yoga, Raja Yoga): Putative prototype of
            hatha yoga. It involves breathing exercises, which helps to
            purify the cells and organs of the body.

Apports - Objects created from ether, and brought into material
            form by a person with mystical powers, occasionally
            using a conical device called a trumpet.

Aries -

Aroma therapist -

Aromatherapy (aromatic medicine), - Herbal medicine that centers
           on using fragrant substances particularly oily plant extracts,
            to alter mood or to improve an individuals' health or
            appearance.  Some proponents have characterized essential
            oils as  the soul or spirit of plants.

Astral body - The spiritual body that inhabits your physical body.

Astrologic medicine - (astral healing, astromedicine, medicinal
             astrology) - Uses your astrology horoscope to determine
             mental and physical problems and cures.

Astrology - The study of the relationship between the positions of
             planets and stars and the moment of one's birth, and how
             the changing relative positions continue to effect our

Astrological Reading -  Using tables to determine the relationship of
            the positions of the planets at the time and place of a
            persons birth to help understand the changing effect they
            have on one's personality.

Astral plane - A place in the universe for unenlightened entities.

Astral projection - Using thought to transport your awareness
            anywhere in the universe.

Astral travel - Similar to sleeping, but being aware of your
            surroundings, and conscious of your actions. The spirit
            leaving the body tethered by the golden cord.

Atlantis - The earth based civilization just prior to our current one,
             in which was located in the area now known as the atlantic

Atlantians - Ancient inhabitants of the lost civilization of Atlantis

Attunement - Following ones spiritual path to Enlightenment.

Apitherapy (bee sting therapy) - Specific placement of honeybee
                      stings to treat a wide variety of  illnesses. The venom
                      stimulates the body's natural healing power.

Aura - The bioplasmic energy within and surrounding each persons
            physical body, often seen as colors. Spiritual body, ghost
            body. Example: the halo as shown around Christ's head.

Aura balancing - Using crystals and other tools, as well as ones
            energy force to realign a persons energy pattern.

Auric Cleansing -  Using crystals, burning sage, and various other
            means  to remove unwanted energies from ones energy
            field (aura)

Aura Photography -

Aural Strengthening - Mentally directing chi to the outer edges of
            your aura as a protection against any unwanted vibrations.

Automatic Writing - Similar to Trance, but in this case a spirit takes
            over a medium and communicates by writing out messages.

Avatar - A spiritually enlightened, God conscious being incarnate.

Awareness - A realizing of the ancient truths.

Ayurveda (Ayurveda Medicine) - The medical phase of Hinduism.
              The electrical or cosmic energy flow throughout the body,
              has seven major points of connection to the soul called
              chakras. Examination of the eyes, face, lips, tongue, nails,
              and pulse.  discoloration's,  lines, cracks, in  various areas
              indicate disorders  in "corresponding" organs. The  pulse is
              important because,  supposedly, the heart is the seat  of
              the underlying intelligence of  nature: human

Ayurvedic - See above.

Bach Flower Remedies - Essences of flowers and herbs, said to
            have healing qualities. Bach psychically discovered the
            specific "healing" effects of 38 wildflowers which the life
            force of each can be transferred to water and taken
            internally to balance the soul, therefore healing the body.

Base Chakra - Located at the base of the spine, The first of seven.

Bible - A written account of the life and times of Jesus Christ.

Billet Reading - A system of divination whereby a written question
            is placed in a sealed envelope, and placed against the
            third eye of a psychic to be read.

Bioenergetics -
            Offshoot of Reichian Therapy maintaining that bodily
            cells can record emotional reactions, and such cellular
            memories are adaptable  to healing and
            consciousness raising And that  patients can release them
            by crying, screaming, and kicking.

Bioenergy (Bioenergy healing) -  A natural form of aura balancing.
            Practitioners allegedly act on magnetic fields.

Bio-feedback - For optimum physical wellness, utilizing an
            electronic machine that monitors the energy flow of the
            body, indicating changes in flow as the body responds to
            different thoughts.

Bio-magnets- Using magnets to increase the electrical flow of the
            body, reawakening the physical healing process, and tuning
            chakra energies. A magnet's north pole can cause
            contraction and its south pole can dissipate energy.
            Biomagnetic therapy can move the body's energy around in
            order to balance it.

Black Magic - Using thought energy to manipulate others.

Body Harmony: Mode of bodywork that allegedly re-awakens one's
              natural healing energies and accesses the inner wisdom
              of the body.

Body Reflexology - System of reflexology or acupressure that
            presses, pulls, and massages, reflex  points on the face,
            tongue, ears,  scalp, nape, hands, crotch,  buttocks, shins,
            and feet. These so-called reflex points include about a
            hundred  pineal acupoints.

Bodywork (Bodywork Therapy) - A potpourri  of methods typified by
            exercising,  manipulating, and/or manually  touching the
            body. Bodywork that is not  categorizable as acupuncture,
            chiropractic "adjustments,"  osteopathy, body centered
            psychotherapy, touch therapy, or  energy field work.

Book Of Miracles - A wonderful book containing in-depth and simple
            wisdom's helpful in pursuing inner peace.

Breath Control - Using the regulation of oxygen as a meditation.

Breath Practitioner -

Breath Therapies -

Brotherhood of The Spirit - A Circle of entities of the light force.

Buddha -  A realized being incarnate, a teacher of great wisdom's.
Carlos Castaneda -

Celestial Beings - Angels, entities without a body.

Cellular Memory -  the experience of one's ancestors  in genetic
            code, which may cause  otherwise inexplicable difficulties
            for the individual.

Ceremonial Magic - Using thought energy to create good changes.

Certified Holistic Nurse - Therapist using psychotherapy, relaxation
            and imagery.

Chakra Alignment -Using crystals and other tools, as well as ones
            energy force to unblock bodily energy and realign a persons
            energy pattern.

Chakras - Seven vortexes of energy within the body.

Channel - One who can convey the words of spirit to this plane.
              A psychic reader.

Cherub - A young angel

Chi - The life force within all living things.

Chi-lel Qigong -

Christ - The son of God.

Christ Aura - The White light energy field seen around Christ's head.

Christianity -

Christian Science -

Clarity - To have reached this point is to be clear and open enough
            to be able hear more than that of this vibratory dimension.

Clairvoyant - One who has received the gift of clarity.

Clairvoyance - The ability to see and communicate with spirit. And
            thus share the wisdom of spirit.

Clairaudient - One who can hear the voice of spirit. And thus share
            the wisdom of spirit.

Clairaudience - The ability to hear the voice of spirit.

Co-dimension - Existing in two or more dimensions simultaneously

Complementary Integrative Medicine - The mixture of Western,
            Eastern and traditional means of healing.

Communication With Angels -

Control Guides - Spirits who help guide other spirits in and out of the
            body of a medium.

Coincidence - The apparent similarities of separate yet
            interconnected instances, which are believed to be arbitrary,
            but in fact are not.

Collective Consciousness collective unconscious- The energy of
            the entirety of all the conscious beings.

Color and Light Therapy -

Communication With The Dead - Bringing ones self to a higher
            vibration so the thoughts of those vibrating on the other
            side of life can be heard.  A psychic can do this.

Cosmic - From a higher source. From the universe.

Cosmic Consciousness - The energy of all the conscious beings.

Cosmic Energy - Chi, life force.

Cosmic Void - The space between the different levels of learning
             within the unincarnate universe.

Cosmobiology - The science of specific mental and  physical
            conditions corresponding to the relative positions of
            celestial bodies.
Creed - The ideology of a religious sect.

Crown Chakra - Number seven of seven. Located on top of the head.

Cranio-sacral Therapy -

Creative force -

Crystal Cord - The etheric energy tether that continues to connect
            ones soul to ones body while astro traveling, Which breaks
            at the time of physical death.

Crystal Healing -

Crystal Palace - An interdimentional place of learning which can
            only  be visited by the unincarnate, and astro travelers
            who without fear, if given permission.

Crystal Temple - An inter dimensional place of learning which can
            only be visited by the unincarnate, and astro travelers who
            are without fear, if given permission.

Crystology - The study of and implementation of crystals for healing
             and spiritual enlightenment.
Dead Sea Scrolls - A written testament to the life and times of
           Christ, and other ages.

Death - the Moment at which the soul is separated from the body.

Deepak Chopra - Read anything by him and you'll know.

Deity - Godhead, the supreme being, a divinity.

Deja Vu - The vibration feeling of having previously experienced an
            exact circumstance, without the possibility of having been
            there before in this lifetime.

Destiny - The situations which one chose to experience and try to
            learn from while on the planet.

Dharma -

Disincarnate - Without a physical body.

Disincarnate - Without a physical body.

Dis-Ease - That which is not at ease, thereby causing disease.

Disembodied Spirits - Spirits without a physical body

Discipline - Doing what you needs to be done, whether you like
             it or not.

Dis-ease -

Diva - An earth spirit watching over a portion of plant life.

Divination - The ability to see into the past, present, and future.
            Runes, tarot cards, I-Ching, and other tools may be used.

Divine Intelligence - All that is of God.

Divine Spark - The Godness within all living beings.

Divining Rod - Commonly a "Y" shaped stick of witch hazel used as
            an aid in discovering underground water by a dowser.

Divinity - God, a deity, the science of divine things, theology.

Dogma - Ideological perspectives which can separate one from
            experiencing them.

Dolmens -

Dowsing - Using a stick or rods as antenna to find underground
            water or metals. Observing the movements of a pendulum
            to answer a question spoken or silent.

Dreams - Thoughts experienced while sleeping.

Dream State - A time during sleep that one is dreaming.

Druid -

Ear Coning -

Earth changes -

Earthbound Spirits -

Earth Mother - As God is often referred to as Father.

Earth Plane - A designation of energy pattern and vibration which
            best describes this planet and its' inhabitants.

Earth Travelers - Those who's Soul did not originate on this planet.

Eastern Philosophy -

Ectoplasm        -

Edgar Cayce -Clairvoyant diagnosisist.

Electro Etheric Field - The aura. The energy of the soul. The
            bioplasmic energy within and surrounding each persons
             physical body, often seen as colors.

Elf - A mythological being, commonly a sprite, often frail and
             diminutive, and including pixies.

Energy Balancing -

Energy blocks -

Enlightenment - Bringing ones self to a higher vibration so that by
            releasing the mental ties to this physical.

Entity - A being without a body.

Esoterism -

ESP - Extra Sensory Perception. Usually pertaining to the sixth
             sense, the third eye.

E.S.P. - Extra Sensory Perception. Usually pertaining to the sixth
            sense, the third eye.

Essential Oils -

Ether - The energy of of spirit.

Etheric Body - the Spirit, soul.

Evolution - The progression of consciousness in living beings.

Extra terrestrials - Beings from places in the universe, not earth.


Far-infared -

Fairies - Magical beings of human form, who play pranks.

Faith - Belief, trust, confidence, and conviction in regard to a
            religion, or system of religious beliefs.

Faith Healing - Using prayer and using ones body as a conduit for
            the healing energies of the universe to heal others.

Fasting - Not eating for the purpose of cleansing ones body.

Fate - Destiny, inevitable necessity, decreed by fate.

Fear - To be in apprehension of evil or impending danger.

Feng Shui -The positioning and alignment of entrances and
            furniture in one's environment so the chi can freely flow.

Financial Astrology -

Fire walking - 800-1200 degrees F

Flame Reading - Divination by reading the trails of smoke on a piece
            of paper that was held and moved over a lit candle.

Flower Essences -

Fortune Tellers - Mediums who through numerous means give spirit
            guided readings to clients.

Free Radicals -

Freewill - Your God given right to think, and/or do anything.

Full Trance - Letting ones spirit leave the body and letting a spirit
            guide come into it for the purpose of communication.

 Geomancy - Esoteric and high-teck Feng Shui

Gem Essence -

Gestalt -

Ghost - The Etheric body, the spirit, the soul. The God force that
            enters the body at the time of birth and leaves at death.

Ghosts - People who have died, but upon death choose not to
            travel to the places in the universe for higher learning,
            but stay here, hanging around the places they lived in life.
            Unprogressed spirits.

Ghost Stories - Story's about ghosts.

Gnomes - A sprite supposed to inhabit the inner parts of the earth.

Goblins - A mischievous sprite, an elf.

God - The supreme being, a divinity, a deity.

God Consciousness - Becoming aware that you are God.

God Self -

Goddess -

Golden Cord - The etheric energy tether that continues to connect
            ones soul to ones body while astro traveling, which breaks
            at the time of physical death.

Guardian Angel - A guide who made an agreement with you prior to
            your incarnation, to watch over you throughout your life.

Guided Imagery - Guiding someone through a meditation in order to
            help them get in touch with their higher self and experiences
            in past lifetimes.

Guided Meditation -

Guided Visualization -

Guides - Spirits who watch over us and help us.

Guru - An enlightened personal spiritual guide or teacher.
Halo - The white aura seen around Christ's head.

Hands On Healing - Using prayer and using ones body as a conduit
            for the healing energies of the universe to heal others.

Harmonic -

Hatha Yoga -

Haunted - When a lost spirit hangs around old familiar places.

Healing Circle - When healers gather together to heal those in need.

Healing Energy - The healing forces in the universe which can be
            channeled by those who ask.

Healing Powers - The ability to open to the healing forces in the
            universe and channel them to those in need.

Healing Arts -

Heart Chakra - The third of seven, located in the heart area.

Heaven - The blue expanse of sky surrounding the earth, the abode
            of God and his/her angels.

Hell - A small town in Michigan.

Herbology -

Higher Self - The spiritually aware part of ones being that is in tune
            with truth and light.

Helix -

Hellerwork -

Holy Ghosts - Angels who deliver God's messages.

Holistic Healing - Treatment of disease which emphasizes assisting
           nature utilizing folk medicines, herbs, vitamins, salts, as well
           as acupuncture and accupreasure in the healing process.

Holistic Stress Management -

Homeopathic Medicine - Medicine administered in a small dose
            which activates the body to produce its own immunities
            to the disease.

Homeovitic -

Hydrotherapy -Colon cleansing.

Hypnagogic State - The place between being awake and asleep.

Hypnosis - A sleep like condition caused by artificial means. This
            condition allows one to be influenced subconsciously.

Higher Consciousness - The spiritually aware part of ones being
            that is in tune with truth and light.

Higher Forces -

HSP - Higher Sense of Perception, experienced when one becomes
            enlightened, or opens the third eye.

Higher Sense of Perception - Awareness of higher spiritual energy
            patterns through opening channels such as the third eye.
I Ching - An ancient Chinese book of divination utilizing yarrow
            sticks or coins which fall into configurations that match
            corresponding written experiences.

Illusion - Hallucination, deceptive in appearance, seeing something
             that isn't really there.

Immortality - Life destined to endure forever.

Immutable Laws - The universal truths of life and existence which
            rule all and cannot change. Karma.

Incantation - Sung or spoken ritual spell or charm used in magic.

Incarnate - Clothed with a  body of flesh.

Incarnation - The duration that a spirit dwells in a physical body.
             The act of taking on a human body and the nature of a
             human being.

Incarnate Beings - Spirits who have chosen to live a lifetime in a
            human body.

Incense - Aromatic substance burned in religious rites to cleanse
            unwanted energies and ward off negative entities.

Infertility - A woman's inability to get pregnant.

Inner Child - The innocent, vulnerable part of ones personality.

Inner Guidance - Listening to ones inner voice, intuition.

Inner Journey -

Inner Self -

Inner Voice - Listening to your intuition.

Instant Karma - The balancing of karma at the tim its produced.
            When you think a bad thought and stub your toe.

Instinct - The knowledge and skills an animal has without having
            had to have had the experience.

Integrative Medicine - The mixture of Eastern, Western , and
            traditional methods of healing.

Integrative Healing -

Inter dimensional - The ability to exist within and travel between
            the different dimensions of existence.

In The Service of the Light - One who gives of themselves for the
            enlightenment of others.

Intuition - An inner sense of knowing, without reasoning.

Involution - The process of becoming one with God.

Iridology  -  The analysis of the iris as a picture of your physical
Jane Roberts -A channel for Seth.

Jesus Christ - The son of God. A Man who opened to the truths of
            the universe to become a fully realized being who shared
            truths and healed those in need.

Jungian Therapy -

Jungian psychology -
Kama Sutra -

Karma - The law of balance, of cause and effect.  In Hinduism and
            Buddhism the whole ethical consequence of one's acts
            considered as fixing one's lot in future lives. Destiny.

Karmic Record - See Akashic Record.

Kinesiology - Muscle testing

Kirlian Photography - A special form of photography which captures
           on film the energy patterns, and colors of the aura.

Kriya Yoga -

Kundilini - The root energy of the chakras. Energy that connects
            all seven chakras. The sleeping serpent.

Kundilini Yoga - An Eastern religious practice of meditation and
            stimulation of the sexual energy to enhance the flow of
            energy between the base chakra and the crown chakra.

Kurlian Photography - A unique process by which the aura of
            humans and plants can be photographed.
Land Changes - It has been prophesied that in the end of this year
           the earth will under go massive tectonic plate changes and
           a polar shift.

Lemuria - The civilization on this planet prior to Atlantis.

Laying on of Hands - Using prayer and using ones body as a conduit
            for the healing energies of the universe to heal others.

Levitation - Breaking through the physical and mental barriers of
            fear, and becoming aligned with ones environment enough
            to defy gravity. To fly without wings.

Life Force - Prana, Chi, That which animates the flesh.

Life Mate - Soul mate. Someone who would compliment you in a
            relationship and help you to do the work of God, according to
            an agreement made prior to incarnation.

Life Script - The path you chose for yourself while in spirit, prior to
            incarnation which best balances your karmic debt, and
            enhances your spiritual growth.

Light Beings - God realized beings who have broken away from the
            karmic circle.

Light Shaft Ladder - A line of energy attached to the earth and
            extending into the universe to be used as a pathway for
            lost souls to follow into kingdom of heaven.

Light Workers - Those who use the healing forces of the universe
            to help those in need.

Lords Prayer - Link

Lost Souls - People who at the point of death do not follow the
            invitation  to go to higher places of learning, usually
            because they are trying to hang on to the material things.

Lotus Flower - An Eastern water lilly which in Eastern philosophies
            represents involution.

Love - The attraction between molecular structures to merge and
            become one. God is love.

Lymphatic Massage Therapy -

Macrobiotics -

Magic - Producing effects by superhuman means. Sorcery. The
            practice of enchantment.

Magnetic Healing -

Magician - One skilled in magic, an enchanter.

Manifestation - To create material objects from ether. A spirit

Mantra - Eastern style of prayer meditation consisting of repeating
            a set of words to open ones awareness.

Marijuana -

Masters - Realized beings who choose to stay on earth to teach.
            To which there are at least seven at all times.

Master Guide - An enlightened spirit assigned to answer prayers,
            and reveal truths to those of pure heart.

Material Plane - The gross plane of earthly material things.

Matter - That of which everything physical is made.

Maya - The karma of the earth plane.

Medical Astrology -

Medical Marijuana -

Medicine Man - A traditional Healer.

Medicine Woman - A traditional Healer.

Meditation - To relax and release all thoughts.

Medium - One who can communicate with spirit and convey the
            thoughts and words of spirit to those on this plane.
            A psychic reader.

Mei Qi Gong -

Mental Telepathy - Communication using thoughts.

Metaphysical - The science of philosophies concerning the
            principals and causes of all things existing.

Metempsychosis - The passing of the soul at death into another
            body, the transmigration of the souls.

Millennium Bug - Who the hell knows.

Mind Over Matter - Using the power of thought to solve a problem or
            move material objects.

Miracle - A very natural, or supernatural event of wonderment.

Monastic Communities -

Mortal Coil - The etheric energy tether that continues to connect
            ones soul to ones body while astro traveling, Which breaks
            at the time of physical death.

Multidimensional - The ability to exist within and travel between the
           different dimensions of existence.

Muscle testing (Kinesiology) -  Your body knows what is healthy for
           it. One can test foods and supplements by using certain
           muscle groups. Some muscle groups share energy pathways
           with  internal organs. Testing muscles  for relative strength
           can indicate through the body's innate intelligence specific

Mushrooms -

National Spiritualist Association of Churches -

Nature Spirits - Divas. Earth spirits that watch over plant life.

Natural Birth Control - Awareness of one's ovulation cycle to
               determine a most advantageous time.

Natural Food - Food grown, processed, and prepared w/synthetics.

Natural Immunity -

Natural Law - The universal truths of life and existence which rule
              all and cannot change.

Naturopathic Medicine - Traditional, natural healing processes. See

Naturopathy - Treatment of disease which emphasizes assisting
            nature and utilizing herbs, vitamins, salts etc.

Near Death Experience - Often a clinically dead person will
           experience leaving their  body, hover over it and watch
            the circumstances around them like a movie, then
            re-enter their body and come back to life.

Negative Vibes -

Negualism -

Neuro-Linguistic -

Neuromuscular - Retraining the min to control -

New Age - A term coinciding with the current renaissance of
            spiritual belief systems, and back to nature movement.

New Age Magazine -

Nirvana - In Hinduism, a mental state in which one becomes void of
            the material restraints of this world, and meets Brahma.

Numerology - The study of number combinations which can be used
            for divining information.

Nutrient - A part of food that sustains the physical body.

Nutrition - Utilizing the food which the body needs to maintain.
OBE -Out of Body Experience ?

Occult - Hidden. Pertaining to things beyond the scope of
            understanding, esp, alchemy, magic, astrology, practices
            of divination, incantation, etc.

Omnipotent - Unlimited power, ability, authority. Almighty. God.

Omnipresent - Present everywhere at once.

Oneness - Without separation. Singleness, unity, becoming one
             with one's self or another.

Oriental Bodywork Therapist - One who practices Eastern

Other Lifetimes -

Ouija Board (tm) - A board marked with numbers and the alphabet,
             used with a planchette to obtain mediumistic messages.

Out of Body Experience - Often experienced in meditation and near
            death circumstances, when your spirit leaves your body,
            tethered by the golden cord, aware of your surroundings and
            conscious of your actions, you can travel the universe.

Over soul - Transcendentalist description of the absolute reality,
            a perfectly realized spiritual being.
Paranormal - Occurrences which are not explainable by normal,
            natural causes, only explainable by superhuman means.

Paramatma -

Parapsychology - The investigation of evidence for telepathy,
            clairvoyance, thought transference, ESP, etc.

Parallel Universe -  Theory: all this has an equal opposite reality.

Pagan -

Past Lives -  According to the doctrine of (see) reincarnation, Spirit
            often takes on one body after another, either to balance
            previous karma, or assist in helping others to do so.

Past-life Memory -

Past Life Regression - Regressing back through the memory of past
            incarnations to understand ones current path.

Pendulums -

Phenomena - Extra ordinary, the appearance of something that is
             not immediately obvious.

Physical Manifestation - To create something from ether.

Pixie - In English folklore a mischievous sprite or fairy.

Pixy - In English folklore a mischievous sprite or fairy.

Planed Parenthood - A conscious attempt at controlling pregnancy.

Plieadeans - People alleged to be from this cluster of stars in the
            constellation Taurus.

Polarity - Each of seven chakras has a vibratory rating, an individual
            energy pattern, which should harmonize with the others.

Polarity Therapy - Retuning, or aligning of the energy patterns of the
           seven chakras located in the subtle body.

Prana - Etheric energy.

Paranic Breath - The first breath a newborn child takes, completing
            the incarnation process.

Prayer - A request to God.

Predestine-  To destine beforehand, to foreordain by divine decree
            or eternal purpose.

Predestination - The doctrine that God has from eternity
             determined whatever comes to pass.

Progressing Lost Soles - Communicating with the spirit of people
            who at the point of death did not follow the invitation to go
            to higher places of learning, stayed here on earth, and
            helping them to go to those higher places.

Prophet - One who speaks for God. A seer of future events.

Prophecy - The gift of being able to foretell events.

Protection -

Psychedelics -

Psychic - Spiritualism. A medium who can hear and convey the
            words of spirit to those on this plane. A sensitive.

Psychic Protection -

Psychic Sponge -

Psychic Surgery - Using the energy of the spirit to physically
            go into a persons body and remove unwanted tissue.

Psychometry -  Divination of facts about an object or its owner
            through sensing the vibrations in it.

Pyramid - A structure built by extraterrestrial technology   that by
            the nature of its configuration draws healing energy from
            the universe. A ion generator.

Psychoneuroimmunology - Using subliminal messages to tell your
            body to heal and protect itself.

Psycho-Spirituality -

Psycho synthesis -

Protection - Setting up a high vibrational force field around
            something that you want to protect from negativity or
            lower vibrations.
Qi (chi) -

Qigong Healing - Chinese practice of developing the internal
        life-force of the body for health, strength, and spiritual

Quartz Crystals - A natural earth formed crystal used for protection
           and directing healing energies.
Raja Yoga - ?

Readings - A portion of information conveyed to an individual from
            spirit through seer or medium.

Rebirthing - Helping a person to remember back into a point of
            their birth and beyond to gain an understanding of who
            they are.

Reflexology -

Regression Therapy -

Renaissance -

Reincarnation - When spirit took on physical form, freewill led
            some to covet the material, and produce an imbalance
            in the oneness of creation. This imbalance is termed
            karma, as ye sow so shall ye reap. If a person has not
            reaped what they sowed in a lifetime, they choose to
            return to the place and persons where the imbalance
            was occurred in order to try balance it.

Rolfing - Removing old thought patterns and energies.

Runes - The teutonic alphabet placed on small square stones and
            used for divination. Mystery, magic.
Sage - An herb which can be used (usually burned) for dispelling
            negative energy.

Sai-baba -

Sanskrit - An ancient Aryan language of the Hindus of India.

Savior - Jesus Christ, the redeemer, deliverer.

Seance - Individuals gathering for the express purpose of
            communicating with spirit beings.

Self Awareness - The process of becoming aware that you are God.

Self Healing -

Self-Hypnosis - unconscious -

Sensitive - One who is sensitive to nonphysical forces.  Psychic.

Sex -

Shaman - Native medicine person who an communicate with spirit.

Shiatsu -

Silver Cord - The etheric energy tether that continues to connect
            ones soul to ones body while astro traveling, which breaks
            at the time of physical death.

Solar Plexus - The third chakra. The pit of the stomach

Sorceress -  One who practices magic, regarded as having
            supernatural or magical powers, a witch.

Sorcerer - A wizard. One who uses the energy of spirits for divining.

Solstice -

Soul - The essence, substance, animating principal, actuating
            spiritual force that causes life. Immaterial entity
            distinguishable from and superior to the body. The 6.5
            ounces of energy that enters the body at birth, and leave
            at death.

Soul Mate - Life Mate. Someone who would compliment you in a
            relationship and help you to do the work of God, according
            to an agreement made prior to incarnation.

Soul Path -

Soul Retrieval -

Spells - A spoken word or words supposed to have magic power,
             an incantation for enchantment. Under the influence of
             a spell, to bewitch, charm.
Spirit - The soul. The breath of life. That which animates the body.
            A supernatural being.

Spirit Communications - Being open enough to communicate your
             thoughts and prayers to, and hear the voice of spirit.

Spirit world -

Spiritual Readings -

Spiritual Surgery -

Spiritual Path - Seeking the reasons why you returned
              to this planet, and learning the lessons necessary to
               balance  previous karma.

Spiritualist Church - A religious sect of Christians who believe in
           God, Christ, The Bible, reincarnation, and spirit.

Spiritual Channeling-


Spiritual Laws - The truths of the universe, universal law.

Subtle body -

Sword of Truth - When the truth cuts through false beliefs.

Stone Henge - An ancient circular arrangement of upright stones
            where people congregated to pray.

Star Charts - Astrological time plots that help astrologers to do
             astrology readings.

Star Children - Entities who have chosen to incarnate at this time
            to help mankind through the immanent changes.

Subliminal - Not perceived by, or below the threshold of
            consciousness.  Awareness on a subconscious level.

Subtle Body - An individuals spiritual body, ghost, soul.

Summer Solstice -

Sun Sign Astrology - the relationship between the positions of
            planets and stars and the moment of one's birth
            determines lifelong personality.

Supernatural AS Natural occurrences which seem to have been
            caused for reasons beyond nature, miraculous.

Synchronicity - The simultaneous occurrence of events which
            seem to direct us along our path of learning.
Table Tipping - A seance where people sit around a small table
            with their hands palm down on top of the table, and let spirit
            answer questions by tipping the table.

Tai-na Therapy -?

Talking in Tongues - If unprotected, occasionally A person will
            open up to an unprogressed entity who will enter their body
            to communicate, but in the language of their time.

Tao -

Talismans - A figure cut or engraved for the purpose of protection
            against negativity, amulet, charm.

Tarot Cards - A specially designed deck of cards with pictures of
            circumstances and events, used for divination.

Tarot Readings - Using tarot cards as a tool in a reading, to divine
             information about a person, and their path.

Telekinesis - A spiritualistic mediums' ability to move objects
            without contact or physical means.

Telepathy - Communication between minds, thought transference.

Temple - A place designated to the purpose of worshiping a deity.

The Lords Prayer - (Click)

Theology - Methodically formulated religious knowledge and
            theories of God and the supernatural.

Theosophy -

Third Eye - The sixth chakra located just above between the eyes.

Throat Chakra - The fifth chakra located in the throat area.

Tibet - The home country of the Dali Lama where many seek higher
            levels of spiritual learning.

Tibetan Bowls -

Toaist -

Toltec -

Tantra -

Tontroc - Mentally, not physically sharing sexual energy.

Total Awareness - Being fully aware of self and circumstances.

Trance - A sleep like state such as that of deep hypnosis. A
            meditation wherein one allows their  soul to temporarily
            leave their body in order to let a spirit guide come into
            it in order to communicate the truths of the universe.

Trance Readings - Spirit communication temporarily using a
            persons physical body.

Transpersonal Psychology -

Tree Medicine -

Trigger Points -

Twin Flame - A special relationship which occurs when two people
            while in spirit agree to reincarnate in order to spend time
            together on this plane.
U.F.O. - Unidentified flying object, assumed to have originated from
            other than this planet.

UFO - Unidentified flying object, assumed to have originated from
            other than this planet.

UFO's -  Unidentified flying objects, assumed to have originated
            from other than this planet.

Unconditional Love - Loving without wanting anything in return.

Universal Intelligence - The knowledge off all conscious beings.

Universal Truths - The  truths of nature, life and existence which
            rule all and cannot change.

Unprogressed Entities - People who at the point of death do not
            follow the invitation to go to higher places of learning,
            usually because they are trying to hang on to the material
            things they owned during life. Ghosts, unprogressed spirits.

Usui and Karuna Reiki -

Vagon - One who only eats veggies.

Veda -

Vegetarian - One who does not eat red meat.

Vibes - Slang for vibrations. Everything that exists has a rate of
            vibration. This vibration, often weak, can be measured with
            very sensitive electronic measuring devices. The energy of
            thought, the energy of life.

Vibration -  An pulsing electrical energy output. Everything that
            exists has a  rate of vibration. This vibration, often weak,
            can be measured with very sensitive electronic measuring
            devices. The energy of thought, the energy of life.

Vibro-acoustic - Vibesot heal relax ?

Visions - Being able to see spirit, or see into the future.

Visualize - To close one's eyes and imagine something that you
            want to happen, in order to try to create future reality.

Vortex -
Walk In -  If a person is granted permission to move on to higher
             planes of learning and permanently leaves the body, the
             new soul who is appointed to take over the body is called
             a walk-in.

Walk-ins - If a person is granted permission to move on to higher
            planes of learning and permanently leaves the body, the
            new soul who is appointed to take over the body, a walk-in.

White Brotherhood - An expansive circle of spirit guides who have
            been given permission to answer prayers as appropriate.

White Light - The purest form of etheric healing energy. The energy
            of Christ's aura and halo.

Whole Health -

Wicca - A coven of healers, usually witches.

Winter Solstice -

Witch - One who practices magic, regarded as having supernatural
            or magical powers, a sorceress.

Wiccan -

Wisdom -

Witchcraft -

Witch Doctor - Often an African medicine man practicing magic.

Warlock - A male witch.
X Files - A currently popular television series depicting such things
            as paranormal experiences, and UFO sightings.
Y2K - Why too Kay?

Yoga - A hindu discipline directing ones energy toward becoming
            one with all consciousness.

Yogi - One who practices yoga in the search for enlightenment.
Zen -

Any Miss - Spellings / Definitions, or New Words
(With Definitions) That You Would Like To Add  ???
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