~  The Green Battery Box  ~        

   To All Concerned,

      As an example of a loving Grand Parent, I just want to keep batteries out of our landfills and aquifers so our Kids, Kids, and theirs will thank us every day for finding a source of clean safe drinking water, just like we found it.

   So i am developing >        The 'Green Battery Box'.           

Donations through >     https://www.gofundme.com/f/annuit-coeptis-consumerocracy-l3c

                  <<< When funded >>>

      We will distribute Green Battery Boxes throughout Vermont for collecting ALL types of small batteries, including: Button, AA, AAA, C, D, Power Tool Batteries and anything with a battery in it, for re-purpose processing, and keep it out of our drinking water. Our web page will list our  Green Box Battery Pickup Station Locations Near  You !
<<  Re-Think, Re-Cycle, Re-Purpose  >>

                                       Isn't  that  the  least  we  can do for those we love, and theirs ? ?   ?
Please don't let his stuff end up in our land fills and Aquifer*

TM  © Annuit Coeptis Consumerocracy L3C TM
A New Economic Future For Vermonters.

Project #34 is being Funded through GoFundMe.com

~OR~   You can save 10% and donate directly through PayPal, Member;   BecomePartOfTheSolution @ Gmail.com